IPFS Wholesale Solutions
Maximize results and streamline the purchasing process for your insurance customers.
Our wholesale program helps you increase your quote-to-bind ratio and improve results.
Who Benefits from IPFS Wholesale?
We work with managing general agents, underwriters, wholesale brokers, program managers, and captive agencies to create wholesale programs that work best with your organization’s needs, allowing you to utilize One Platform of solutions to enhance your business.
IPFS provides an unrivaled client experience coupled with cutting-edge technology in premium finance and payments. As an IPFS Wholesale client, you can:
Provide a streamlined experience from start to finish for your insured customers.
Leverage installment options to provide flexibility and reduce policy cancellations for your insured customers.
Consolidate client data to focus on your retail channels and create more operational efficiencies.
Automate your back-end processes to reduce manual intervention.
Improve your quote-to-bind ratios and increase your revenue potential.
A Consolidated User Experience
We work hard to create competitive advantages for our clients. IPFS provides a single suite of solutions designed to help you generate additional revenue, streamline your processes, and provide exceptional care to your insured customers.
With One Platform, insurance providers have access to an entire suite of services that combine premium finance opportunities with time-saving solutions such as:
Flexible payments that can be remitted online, anytime.
Secure eSignature and document delivery capabilities.
Custom branded products and services tailored to your business.
Premium Payment & Installment Options
Lower your expense ratios and create more opportunities to increase your margins when you utilize the tech-forward tools available to you through IPFS. With enhanced premium funding, billing, and collection, you can:
Receive upfront funding for full premium payments.
Lower your administrative costs and overhead expenses.
Increase your investment income, liquidity, and margins.
Integration Capabilities
We leverage our IPFS integrations to help take the heavy lifting off of your business, saving your team valuable time and resources.
Fully automated between systems, our integration capabilities are designed with your unique needs in mind.

IPFS DataLink®
IPFS DataLink integrations can free up time while your system handles the reconciliation of your IPFS accounts and data. With some up-front programming, the time-savings in automated processes within your office could save your team hundreds of hours through the course of each year!

IPFS QuoteLink®
A turnkey solution for select management systems. Setup is quick and easy!
Integrations: AppliedEPIC, AppliedTAM/TAM Online, Vertafore AMS360, Vertafore AIM, Vertafore Sagitta, NowCerts, Jenesis Classic, and JenesisNOW.

IPFS CustomLink®
Every agency and insurance company is unique. Do you have a custom, in-house built or managed management system? Given programmatic access to the source code, IPFS will advise and assist your IT department with the development and implementation of a custom integration.
Ready to discover more?
Connect with the IPFS Wholesale team to explore how we can help you meet your business needs.